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Does OHIP Cover Eyeglasses for Seniors?

A happy older adult trying on a pair of glasses with his wife.

For many seniors, eyeglasses are a necessity. The simple fact is that our vision tends to worsen as we age, and with that changing reality many people wonder what sort of assistance they can expect.  OHIP does not cover eyeglasses for seniors, though other insurance plans might. Clear sight is not something you want to […]

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Can Myopia be Reversed?

A child with large round glasses sitting on a couch and holding a smartphone very close to his face.

Many patients live with myopia, a common eye condition. It typically develops in early childhood and can progress for years if left untreated. Early intervention is important for helping correct and control myopia.  While no cure for myopia exists, and you cannot reverse its effects, your optometrist can help protect your child’s vision. They can […]

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Kid’s Eye Exam: What To Expect

An eye doctor tests a young child's eyesight with the Landolt C eye chart

Imagine seeing the world through your child’s eyes—every colour and movement is a new discovery. These are crucial tools for learning, exploring, and growing. Like any tool, eyes require regular care and maintenance to function healthily. That’s why experts can’t stress enough the importance of regular eye exams. During your kid’s first eye exam, an […]

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OCT Eye Scan: What Is It?

A senior woman sitting in an optometrist's office looking into a machine that tests her vision

With modern technology improving every day, it’s becoming easier and easier to monitor a person’s optical health during a comprehensive eye exam. One of these new advancements is a machine called the OCT—optical coherence tomography, used to provide an OCT vision exam.  OCT is a machine that allows optometrists to monitor your retinal health in […]

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